This cartoon shows a portly person (the author?) doing grouting. He is standing on a foundation which contains many open cracks. Let us say that permanent filling of these cracks is required to control seepage (as at a dam), or to strengthen the foundation.
So a mixture of cement and water is injected into the foundation under considerable pressure, from a hole drilled for this purpose.The hole has control valves mounted on it and is supplied with grout by the gear shown in the background. This gear comprises an agitator, a pump, connecting hoses and a mixer (which is not shown here).
These programmes explain how grouting is done, when it is necessary, the design of grouting jobs and several other things. Included is a simulation for training purposes where you can pretend that you are doing grouting. The simulation can guide you with this pretend grouting, or you can try the various possibilities yourself and find out what they would probably produce in a real hole.
For grouting crews who are actually doing grouting, the programmes show most of the necessary functions for batching the grout, water testing the hole, reporting details of each grout application with automatic calculation where required, and other useful features.
Revised May 2011