After taking the measurements the grouting can be started. For guidance about this see the items
listed in the right hand column under the heading "How to grout a hole".
The photo shows use of a dipstick to measure the volume of grout in an agitator. The dipstick has
been put into the agitator (at back) and then withdrawn to show the depth of the grout in it, which
indicates the volume. The grout level is near the operator's left hand.
Flow meters placed on the circulation line are an alternative to dipstick measurements.
Readings in the agitator should be taken about every 10 or 15 minutes, or taken continuously if
flow meters are in use. These readings help determine whether the mix should be thickened and
enable assessment of the grouting as it proceeds.
The grout level in the agitator must not be allowed to become so low that air is sucked into the
line. A fresh batch of grout should be prepared in the mixer in advance, and added in the agitator
when needed. The proportions of this topping-up grout are given below:
After entering the W : C ratio, click on the CALCULATE button
Amount of CEMENT in batch, measured in BAGS =
5 bags
Cu Ft
Cu Ft
Cu Ft
Cu Ft
Mix Volume Cu Ft
Cu Ft
Cu Ft
Cu Ft
Cu Ft
.........after cement added